Monday, February 9, 2009

Jumping on the Band Wagon

Well...the time has come...I've finally decided that I HAVE to find the time to start and maintain a blog. Everyone else is doing it so I should too, right? Actually, I have two beautiful children and lots of friends and family that want to keep up with how fast they are growing. So here is the solution! We'll start with just a picture or two of each of the princesses--Madison Jeane (will be 3 on Saturday) and Mackenzie Elizabeth (3 months today!)

Mackenzie is just so sweet, unfortunately for her, she is a clone of her sister so I haven't taken many pictures--I can just pull out Maddie's baby pix to show people what she looks like!!

She is SUCH a good big sister...still learning what "gentle" really means but other than that, she's wonderful!

Isn't she gorgeous?!?!?!?

Maddie loves books and loves stickers so the combo of both is heaven for her!


  1. Being the proud Gram.....I will agree that both girls are the most beautiful little princesses of all!!! Welcome to Blogland, dearest daughter!!! Love and hugs, Mom/Gram

  2. They are so sweet. MacKenzie looks so different since I've seen her. Not that I should be too shocked at how fast a newborn changes. I need to start a new blog on blogger!! THe house is looking great, can't wait to see if for real.

